Production. Version: 6dde39b | Bundle Date: 12/9/24, 3:06:08 PM UTC
/PrintedWaste ➜ MU ➜ Admin ➜ Verify
/mu/adminPrintedWaste ➜ MU ➜ Admin ➜ Verify
/mu/admin/verifyPrintedWaste ➜ Management
/mu/verifyAbout Me
/aboutPrintedWaste ➜ Directory
/directoryAbout Me
/me/PrintedWaste ➜ Runtime
/runtimePrintedWaste ➜ Authentication
/loginPrintedWaste ➜ Profile
/contactCookie Policy
/dmcaPrivacy Policy
/privacyTerms of Service
/tosYoutube Converters Terms of Servic
/yttosCronjobs Service
/cronjobsPrintedWaste ➜ Tools ➜ Decrypt
/decryptPrintedWaste IP Service
/minecraftPrintedWaste ➜ Sideload
/sideloadPrintedWaste ➜ Apple Tools ➜ P12 Checker
/tools/p12/checkPrintedWaste ➜ iOS Online Code Signer
/toolsPrintedWaste ➜ Online iOS Code Signer
/tools/signerPrintedWaste ➜ Tools ➜ Signtunes Checker
/tools/signtunes/certsPrintedWaste ➜ URL Shortener
/urlPrintedWaste ➜ Webhooks
/webhooksPrintedWaste ➜ Changelog
/changelogPrintedWaste ➜ Credits
/creditsPrintedWaste ➜ GFN Queue ➜ Graph
/gfn/graphGeForce NOW Queue Times
/gfnPrintedWaste ➜ Grid
/gridPrintedWaste ➜ MeetMobile
/meetmobilePrintedWaste ➜ MU
/muPrintedWaste ➜ Management
/panelPrintedWaste ➜ Management ➜ Users
/panel/usersPrintedWaste ➜ Covert
/services/convertPrintedWaste ➜ CVPN
/services/cvpnPrintedWaste ➜ Services
/servicesPrimary Frontend
https://printedwaste.comServer Management (Private)
https://server.printedwaste.comikigai collection (Private)
https://ikigai.printedwaste.comMinecraft (EU, Private)
https://minecraft.printedwaste.comMinecraft (CA, Private, Proxied)
https://mc.printedwaste.comLDAP Exploit
https://ldap.printedwaste.comApplication Services
https://api.printedwaste.comServerless Application Services
https://api2.printedwaste.comFile Server
https://files.printedwaste.comGRID Service
https://grid.printedwaste.comHomeBridge Service (Private)
https://homebridge.printedwaste.comLegacy Site
https://legacy.printedwaste.comMinecraft Map (EU)
https://mmcb.printedwaste.comDiscord Bot Application Services
https://mu.printedwaste.comCode Signer Service
https://sign.printedwaste.comStatus Service
https://status.printedwaste.comWireGuard Service
https://wg.printedwaste.comApple Icons Service
https://icons.printedwaste.comIodine VPN Service (IPV4)
https://iodine.printedwaste.comIodine VPN Service (IPV6)
https://iodine2.printedwaste.comShadowSocks VPN Service (No server to handle normal req)
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